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Another innovative achievement came out. The press conference on Professor Zhang Di’s scientific research achievements was successfully held on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the university

Another innovative achievement came out. The press conference on Professor Zhang Di’s scientific research achievements was successfully held on the 90th anniversary of the founding of the university

On September 2, Jinqi Paste developed by Professor Zhang Di, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Hunan Province, was officially released. This is the result of the team’s many years of clinical practice and drug development experience, and it is also another innovation of Chinese medicine products in the field of children’s health care in my country. The press conference on Professor Zhang Di’s scientific research results was held in the conference room on the first floor of the first office building of our school. Party Secretary Dai Aiguo, Vice Presidents Liao Jing and Liu Fulin, National People’s Congress representative and Hunan famous Chinese medicine doctor Zhang Di, and Chairman of Hunan Renshang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Dong Houshang attended the event.

Dai Aiguo congratulated Professor Zhang Di on the successful release of his research results, highly affirmed his achievements, and praised Zhang Di as a famous doctor who is “hard to get an appointment”, a famous teacher who is “hard to get a ticket”, and a scientific researcher who is “hard to get a product”. He said that Professor Zhang Di’s research and development of the “Jinqi Paste”, a medicine and food, is a typical example of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into industrial driving forces, and is also a vivid manifestation of the school’s promotion of integrated reforms in education, technology, and talent.

He pointed out that for a long time, the school has made some useful explorations in solving the problem of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and has achieved the leap from “willing to transform” to “able to transform”, from “able to transform” to “dare to transform”, and from “dare to transform” to “know how to transform”. In the next step, we must do a good job in “three gatherings” in leading industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation in traditional Chinese medicine: first, we must gather momentum , gather the momentum of the country to build a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation, carry out original, subversive and supporting research, and strive for major breakthroughs; second, we must gather energy , gather the energy of “government, industry, academia, research, use and finance” collaborative innovation, improve the incentive mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and build a high-level scientific research platform; third, we must gather strength , gather the strength of the coordinated development of government, schools, institutes, and enterprises, and promote more scientific research results from schools to enterprises, from laboratories to production lines, and from “bookshelves” to “shelves”, and create a “Huzhong University” brand for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

“Over the years, in clinical practice, we have noticed that problems such as weak spleen and stomach and susceptibility to colds in children are becoming increasingly prominent.” Zhang Di said that it was based on these realities that he decided to combine his father’s more than 60 years of clinical medical experience with his own years of dedicated research in clinical frontline diagnosis and treatment, and use modern technology to scientifically proportion Chinese medicinal materials such as white hyacinth bean, astragalus, tangerine peel, and chicken gizzard lining, and carefully develop it into Jinqi Paste, which not only retains the medicinal efficacy of Chinese medicinal materials, but also has a good taste and natural ingredients. It can allow children to gradually regulate their spleen and stomach function, improve their physical fitness, and enhance their immunity in their daily diet.

“This results release conference is a successful “hand-in-hand” between famous universities, famous companies and famous doctors, a successful practice of the deep integration of school-enterprise production, education and research, and a successful cooperation between my alma mater and alumni. I hope that in the future we can further deepen cooperation with my alma mater in product research and development, scientific and technological innovation and other aspects, and jointly promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine.” Dong Houshang said affectionately.

The deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, relevant leaders of the Hunan Provincial Food and Drug Administration, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Hunan Institute of Chinese Medicine, China Resources Hunan Ruige Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and other units attended the meeting. Many news media including Xinhua News Agency Hunan Branch, Hunan Daily, Hunan Satellite TV, Hunan Economic TV, and Rednet were present to congratulate the launch of this new achievement, Jinqi Paste.

The successful holding of this scientific research achievement release conference has injected new impetus and vitality into our school’s scientific research, and also marked a new breakthrough in the school’s promotion of the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements.

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